Affirmation Addict

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She won an international competition.

1. Which of the following have played a role in your manifestation?:

  • I am an Affirm It subscriber

  • I am an avid listener of the Affirmation Addict Podcast

  • I am an active follower of @affirmationaddict

2. What were you initially manifesting?:

Winning a competition at an international level

3. What actually manifested? :

I usually am a person who is afraid of jinxing and therefore I always keep my manifestations to myself and do not share. I’m also somebody who goes into panic mode easily so 2 months before the competition, I started with Payal’s 5 minute meditation and since I was in college, timing was always us an issue. But the 5 minute breathwork daily helped. Next I started two journals, one for listing down 3 things that I’m grateful for and things that I want to manifest. I completed my ritual by listening to different affirmations through the app and let it all go. The only time I thought about it was when I was using the app.

4. How did you feel during the entire process? From the moment you knew you wanted it to the point where it manifested, and now after? :

It felt natural, for somebody who’s always scared and in panic mode, it helped me calm down and eased the process. It became a daily habit and my own time away. After winning, when I went back to the ritual, to my journals it felt surreal. And till date it is my most trusted source of faith.

5. How did you manage when you were filled with doubt and uncertainty? What helped you?

There was not much I could do besides cry about things that were not in my control or just calm myself down. I chose to focus on the latter, ordered journals and just followed what Payal had mentioned in the podcasts and app. Since there were already affirmations in the app, it became really easy to just dive right in than trying to find something on YouTube. It was like a book of my own.

6. What spiritual practices + tools helped you manifest this?:

  • Affirmations: writing them down

  • Affirmations: reading them in Affirm It

  • Journaling + scripting

  • Meditating + visualizing

  • Breathwork

  • Sleep affirmations

  • Surrender + letting go

7. Tell us more about how you used the spiritual tools + practices mentioned above.:

At an mba college we worked and studied round the clock, but I managed to take out 30 minutes every night to have my own ritual by lighting incense, a candle and plugging in my earphones to listen to the meditation and app. Nobody could take those 30 minutes away from me. After meditation, journaling and listening to affirmations, I went back to completing my assignment with my friends, diving straight into work after made it easy to let go and not think about it.

8. If you had to put a timeline on it, how long did this manifestation take?:

2 months

9. How did our products and/or services help you through this manifestation process? :

The fact that there were affirmations which helped me on my days was the best part. As humans, we are not perfect and there were days I didn’t feel well or going through the process. There were days I had lost belief or hated myself, on those days I left everything and solely heard the “bad day" or “surrendering” affirmations. They were enough for me and it helped me to be consistent with my goal.

10. If you were to give advice to someone who's trying to manifest something similar, what would you share with them? :

The best part about affirm it is, you not only have content for days you want to manifest and are feeling your best but also for days when you aren’t feeling well and need a hug. No matter what, it will be with you in some way or the other, so even if you want to give up, just scroll before giving up, you might find something to get you going.

Submitted Anonymously.