Affirmation Addict

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She manifested more confidence at work

1. Which of the following have played a role in your manifestation?:

  • I am an Affirm It subscriber

  • I am an avid listener of the Affirmation Addict Podcast

  • I am an active follower of @affirmationaddict

2. What were you initially manifesting?:

To have more confidence at work

3. What actually manifested? :

Everytime I had to go to work, I felt anxious. Like I was not good enough and I couldn’t accomplish anything. I kept listening to power of your heart, protect your energy, raise your vibration and work/career affirmations. After about a month, I am seeing how the environment changed. My boss presented me more opportunities to grow.

4. How did you feel during the entire process?

From the moment you knew you wanted it to the point where it manifested, and now after? : I went through several phases. From being demotivated, feeling helpless, to not caring, then letting go of any expectations. I just decided I am not going to slack and just do my work, and slowly I started feeling excited about the process. I felt more self love, respect for myself and now I am in a better place. I am applying for jobs and I am also working hard at my current job. I am going to let universe decided what’s best for me :)

5. How did you manage when you were filled with doubt and uncertainty? What helped you?

Listening to guided meditation and visualization definitely helped. Journaling, and breathing exercises. Sometimes a breakdown and crying also helped.

6. What spiritual practices + tools helped you manifest this?:

  • Affirmations: writing them down

  • Affirmations: saying them out loud

  • Journaling + scripting

  • Meditating + visualizing

  • Breathwork

  • Sleep affirmations

  • Navigating obstacles + blocks

  • Surrender + letting go

7. Tell us more about how you used the spiritual tools + practices mentioned above.:

I always listen to my affirmations in the morning and night. I practice journaling and meditation at night. If I feel the need to practice anything during the day, I do that as well.

8. If you had to put a timeline on it, how long did this manifestation take?:

About a month or so

9. How did our products and/or services help you through this manifestation process? :

Helped me develop a habit to a point, now my day is incomplete if I don’t take out 5 minutes for my mental health everyday.

10. If you were to give advice to someone who's trying to manifest something similar, what would you share with them? :

Self love and respecting yourself - everything starts with it. You are enough!

Submitted by Praneet Soni